RIAA Anti-Piracy Seizure Information
Georgia | Illinois | New York | Pennsylvania | Texas
July 26, 2007 – After conducting surveillance on a flea market in Atlanta, officials were able to obtain a search warrant. Investigators helped search the location and discovered more than just one man selling illegal products. An astonishing 45 individuals were placed under arrest for various counts of illegal activity. Officials uncovered two guns, a small amount of marijuana and over $500,000 in counterfeit apparel. Along with 45 arrests made on the scene, investigators also helped seize 19 burners 1,620 CDRs and 447 DVD-Rs.
July 2007 – During a traffic stop in Lynwood, IL, police requested a subject’s driver’s license and insurance card. The subject stated he did not have either on him, then gave officers his name and date of birth. There was only one small problem. When officers ran the identification check, they were advised the subject was actually an inmate at the Illinois Department of Corrections. The forgetful subject was then placed into custody and officers searched his vehicle. Not only did they find his real license, they also discovered numerous CDs and DVDs. The subject later admitted he gave officers the wrong name because his license was suspended. He continued to state that he sells the CDs and DVDs to make some spare money.
New York
July 29, 2007 – Investigators teamed up with the NYPD’s 89th Pct. They assisted in executing two search warrants at a storage facility. When officials reached the third-floor location, the door was locked. After breaking through the lock on the door, officials were surprised at what they found — and couldn’t find, for that matter. Somehow the criminal had broken his way through a giant portion of sheetrock and squeezed himself through a tiny window, only to jump from three stories up. Officials continued the execution of two search warrants and discovered thousands of illegal CDs and DVDs. The combined seizure resulted in a large bust for officials. Investigators retrieved 25,400 pirated CDs, 4,400 counterfeit CDs, 28,400 MPAA DVDs and NIKE sneakers.
July 3, 2007 – The Philadelphia Police Narcotics Unit received a complaint from a local resident. The caller had observed two males loading and unloading large trash bags into a garage. The caller then stated that the items may have been drugs. Officers immediately conducted surveillance on the location. After driving past the garage, they did in fact notice several large black trash bags lined up against the wall. They also observed two males removing boxes from a white van and placing them inside the garage. The officials then identified themselves and approached the two individuals. They inspected the items and found no sign of drugs. Instead, the officers uncovered hundreds of counterfeit DVDs and CDs. Upon further investigation of the garage, they also found numerous burner towers. As both men were being placed under arrest, officers heard a noise coming from the second floor of the house. Suddenly, two females were seen exiting the front door and running up the street. The women were quickly apprehended and detained at the house. Officials obtained a search warrant for the garage, as well as the van. Investigators were able to seize 91 burners, 316 CDs and 2 boxes of 200 CD jewel cases from the garage. In the van, they found four boxes of 200 jewel cases and five boxes of 1,000 blank CDRs.
July 6, 2007 – A deputy from the Smith County Sheriff’s Office conducted a traffic stop on Interstate 20 in Smith County. The deputy asked for and was given verbal consent to search the suspect’s vehicle. During the search, he found something in the glove box. He located a set of scales with marijuana residue on each. Continuing the search, the officer found more illegal products in the trunk. He found eight burners alongside several large bags that contained CDRs and DVDs. The deputy was able to seize a total of eight burners, 343 CDRs and 1,190 DVDs.
July 16, 2007 – The Frisco Police Department executed a search warrant for a case involving drugs. At the location, officials were not surprised to find more than they were looking for. In addition to finding an undisclosed amount of marijuana and cocaine, officers found a rifle, and a .32 caliber pistol. As the search continued, they also found a large quantity of suspected counterfeit CDRs and DVDs. RIAA Investigators assisted officials in confirming that the products were in fact piratical. A second search warrant was issued and officials were able to come away with 9 burners, 3,391 pirated CDRs, and 2,289 DVDs.
July 25, 2007 – Investigators conducted extensive surveillance on an underground hair cuttery / CD store. After several undercover purchases were made, officials were able to obtain a search warrant. Officers executed the search warrant and discovered the store was manufacturing and distributing counterfeit CDs and DVDs. Officers arrested the owner of the hair salon and were able to seize 14 burners, 1,272 counterfeit CDs and 646 counterfeit DVDs.