online piracy

Hollywood Studios Push for Congress to Pass Anti-Piracy Bill

Hollywood studios are gearing up for a renewed battle against online piracy. The Motion Picture Association (MPA), representing major movie studios, announced plans to collaborate with Congress on legislation that blocks access to websites that allow illegal sharing of copyrighted films and TV shows. How the Anti-Piracy Law Would Work The proposed law would allow […]

Hollywood Studios Push for Congress to Pass Anti-Piracy Bill Read More »

Europe Calls Out Countries for Lack of Copyright Enforcement

In response to the increased levels of online piracy, which may in part be due to the pandemic, the European Commission wants all countries to block offending websites. They have just released their biannual listing of countries with weak copyright policies.   The commission has named thirteen countries that they believe need to make more

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Notorious Markets Piracy Sites List Published by U.S. Gov’t.

The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) publishes its annual Notorious Markets Report, which was recently released. The report focuses on the physical markets and websites that are seen to be the biggest threats to the country’s intellectual property owners. It is from submissions from copyright owners that the list is compiled. This

Notorious Markets Piracy Sites List Published by U.S. Gov’t. Read More »

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